Since 2010 I’ve been making lists of the year for upcoming movies I’d like to see, and posting them at a friends forum at I revisit these lists about midway through the year and give them an update to mark what I’ve seen, add additional upcoming films since announced, and move ones which have … Continue reading
COW TV (2004 – Part 3)
Continued on from part 2. So with free afternoons and a lot of grand ideas of helping on the production, I was thrown straight into helping. Cam was brilliant and was always telling me more about shooting for sequences, editing tips, and cut downs. Some of the earlier things I did were far too long … Continue reading
COW TV (2004 – Part 2)
Continued from part 1. So I turned up on the following Monday evening to Channel 9. As I mentioned last time, the station is located in the Allied Press building – home of the Otago Daily Times. Allied is currently the only remaining independent newspaper company left in NZ, and had taken full ownership of … Continue reading
Visa 2
An update to my original article on my Ancestry Visa application… While I’d originally been told that the application could take up to 12 weeks to be processed, surprisingly the Visa arrived in less than two and half weeks. I posted the package at lunchtime Thursday, and Wednesday-week later received an e-mail telling me the … Continue reading
COW TV (2004 – Part 1)
Last year I somehow entirely missed the fact it had been over a decade since I went to film & TV school at Avalon… which I did in the later half of 2003. So it’s with a little forethought that I think slightly in advance at what I did with my 2004. In December of … Continue reading
It’s been a few weeks since I last made a post on here, and most of that has to do with the requirements of working towards getting my UK Ancestry visa… which is almost over, as far as me sending the application. I’ll then have to wait up to 12 weeks for it to be … Continue reading
I generally think I watch a lot of movies… more than the average person anyway. I’ve also, since 2002, purchased a large amount. I’ve met a few people who buy more, but the majority of people I know rent, borrow, and probably download most of what they watch. I generally have a backlog, and I … Continue reading
I’ve been working at my current job at Avalon Studios for over 5 years now, and aside from the odd moments, I’ve never disliked it. I also had the luck of training here at the school (which closed in 2007) back in 2003 years before working here. I joke sometimes all I do is push … Continue reading
In around four and a bit months from now I will, all things going to plan, be traveling overseas for the first time. Why it’s taken me so long is due to so many reasons not worth writing into this because… well it would take days to write and read no doubt… but it’s been … Continue reading
Hello there internet. Sorry about the mess, or more specifically the lack there of, for this is the first post while I get a hang of this whole WordPress thing. So for now the site is in a basic look… I’ll get on to changing this up in time. This is the first post for … Continue reading